Sociology from UCA: Theory Application through Undergraduate Theses
Sociology, UCA, thesis, knowledge, productionAbstract
This research contemplates the production of social theory and knowledge in the degree of Sociology of the Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” (UCA) in its two periods, 1972 and 1992. More specifically, the theses that were presented for obtaining the B.A in Sociology are analyzed, both in their theoretical and social-methodological compositions. During the research, the birth, in 1972, of the sociology degree of the UCA and its rebirth in 1992 were contextualized, and it was pointed out that the thesis for obtaining the degree, from both periods (1972 and 1992), are the result of the knowledge production of the degree. The social and methodological theory applied to the two periods studied gives us an image of what has been produced by the sociology career, for the first part the explanatory paradigm predominates with qualitative methodologies, while in the second period, there is greater diversity in the use of the interpretive paradigm, as well as quantitative methods.
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