Media criminalization of peasant organizations in Paraguay. Analysis of the journalistic discourse of the ABC COLOR newspaper




criminalization, peasant struggles, Paraguay


The following text presents the results of a research that analyzes the journalistic discourse of the newspaper ABC Color in the treatment of information related to the demands of peasant organizations in November 2020 in Paraguay. The qualitative analysis has as its main reference the theoretical and methodological proposal of Van Dijk (1999) which is the critical discourse analysis, CDA. As a research technique, a content analysis of all the news, as well as the editorials of the newspaper of November 2020, of the printed and digital versions that deal with the peasant actions claiming compliance with an agreement of "economic reactivation" of peasant family agriculture signed between representatives of peasant organizations and the executive branch, represented by the government of Mario Abdo Benítez, was carried out as a research technique. Among the findings of the research, it was found that the journalistic discourse of the ABC newspaper presents manifest subjectivities that point to the criminalization of the mobilized peasant sector and has the intention of installing mental models aimed at the stigmatization of the Paraguayan peasantry.


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How to Cite

Sintya Carolina Valdez Ayala, & Sandra Elizabeth Valdez Ayala. (2022). Media criminalization of peasant organizations in Paraguay. Analysis of the journalistic discourse of the ABC COLOR newspaper. ESTUDIOS PARAGUAYOS , 40(1), 210–247.