Marginality, precariousness, indianization and middle ground in the Paraguayan Conquest 1526-1575




poverty, natives, conquistadors, religious, Paraguay


Borderlands in the Spanish Empire seems to differ in their process of conquest. To the effects of marginality must be added the absence of mineral wealth which in turn has a great impact on the development of the early colony in Paraguay between 1537 and 1575. All this leads us in this article to propose a reflection on the adaptation of both the native’s peoples and the colonizers to this new colonial pact, basing our analysis on the concepts of Indianization, ethnogenesis and middle ground.


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How to Cite

Guillaume Candela. (2020). Marginality, precariousness, indianization and middle ground in the Paraguayan Conquest 1526-1575. ESTUDIOS PARAGUAYOS , 38(1), 13–37.



Original articles: Dosier "Estudios del Centro de Investigaciones en Historia Social del Paraguay"