Necessary innovations in the initial teacher training model in Paraguay. Nuclei for analysis and discussion
educational transformation, professional profile, training center, 21st century pedagogies, training technologiesAbstract
This analysis leads to identify some necessary innovations in the initial teacher training system. To this end, it takes as its starting points the data of the learning measurements, the evaluations of the Reform and the vision of development of the country, and from them, proposes some lines of action for the Transformation, focused on the profile of the trainers and trained, the conditions of the training center, the pedagogies that support the training curriculum and the use of technologies. The methodology followed starts from the documentary review on the course of action of the Ministry of Education and Sciences (MEC) and submits it to a hermeneutic process to recognize some decisions that may be relevant to educational improvement. In conclusion, the New Teacher Training requires recognition as an instance of higher university education, so it must select trainers and graduates with a profile for research, extension, and innovation, offer better conditions for learning, with a curriculum appropriate to the challenges of the century. XXI and with opportunities for technological experimentation.
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