Paraguayan society and biopolitics in times of coronavirus: between Kill Bill and Parasite




disciplinary society, coronavirus, practices, devices, biopolitics


It is considered as a problem today`s society as disciplinary (Foucault, 1969), panopticon (1980), conducting of the good practices, of institutionalization of the normal, as emerging mechanisms of particular concrete and historical knowledge-power-moral relations. And as the latter it has found in the pandemic due to the spread of the coronavirus globally, a fertile breeding ground for its extension. The objective is to show how once the mentioned space is opened; it is used for the deployment of bio politics. Beyond the viral and strictly sanitary, how the devices unleash the panic, install the collective hysteria and paranoia, producing new forms of control, up to the tragic acceptance of self-confinement. What better than to shut yourself up! The methodology has been qualitative and the techniques, content analysis, and secondary focus groups of the social networks selected as a deliberate sample. As a result, bio politics takes advantage of the ‘window’ of the virus, under a legitimate acceptance of terror, enabling it to interfere by reinforcing a more efficient and effective surveillance regime. In a permanent reminder of death to define what it is, and life itself. Public spaces for relationships and encounters, freedoms, and rights, go online. Among a romantic humanistic panorama proposed by Zizek as a blow to the heart of the capitalism as Kill Bill`s style-, we opt for a more critical vision of the transformation and deepening of capitalism and its bio politics, in the style of Bong Joon-Ho in his Parasite.


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How to Cite

Javier Numan Caballero Merlo. (2020). Paraguayan society and biopolitics in times of coronavirus: between Kill Bill and Parasite. ESTUDIOS PARAGUAYOS , 38(1), 307–340.