Evaluation process

The editorial process begins after the submission of the article.

The manuscript proposal submitted to Paraguayan Studies will go through three stages of evaluation:

First - Editorial: Conducted by the editor. It will be observed, in general, whether it meets the minimum criteria of quality and relevance (Response time: one month). Second - Originality: The article will undergo plagiarism software checks. The journal accepts up to 15% of similarities, requiring 85% originality. In any case, the author will receive the issued report (Response time: 15 days). Third - Referee: Through an independent double-blind method: Evaluation by a referee not affiliated with the Center for Anthropological Studies. (Response time: two months).

From the third instance, three possible outcomes will emerge:

"Accepted": the article enters the list for publication in upcoming issues.

"Accepted with changes": the article, for reevaluation, must be modified based on the recommendations of the referees (reports will be sent).

"Rejected": the article is not published (reports will be sent). In the case of rejection, the decision is final.

  1. Acceptance of the publication of their text in the Paraguayan Studies Journal.

  2. Declaration of no conflicts of interest (if there are any, details of the conflict should be provided).

  3. Declaration that the article is original and unpublished.

  4. Agreement to share the publication and dissemination rights of their articles with the Paraguayan Studies Journal.

The Paraguayan Studies Journal does not have an express or rapid editing process for submitted texts. The set timelines must be adhered to, regardless of the urgency or need of the manuscript proposers.

The submission of articles is open continuously.

Submissions can be sent to: epedicion@gmail.com or through the OJS system.

For more information, you can access the "evaluation committees" section, and "Ethics Statement and Misconduct in Publishing" section.