The years before stronism in Paraguay: construction and consolidation of a military bloc 1936-1954




Paraguay, stronism, military bloc, dictatorship


This article discusses the process of constitution of stronismo in Paraguay. To this end, it starts from the February 1936 revolution and the formation of a Military Bloc whose hegemony extends in Paraguayan society until 1989, with the coup that overthrew the long-lived dictatorship. The emergence and constitution of the Military Bloc incorporates, at the same time, a Civilian Political Bloc of support in the consolidation of power over the years. Stronismo represents, in this context, the continuity of a reconfigured military bloc - almost totally extinct when it collapsed in 1947 due to the civil war. In this sense, it is not necessarily a "personalist" government, although the years later lead it to this path. On the other hand, according to its intellectuals and propagandists, it is a government that brings balance and peace to the country after the years of liberal "anarchy" (1904-1940) and of the "colorado chaos" (1947-1954), which broad sectors end up incorporating as an understanding of the period.


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How to Cite

Orué Pozzo, A. (2021). The years before stronism in Paraguay: construction and consolidation of a military bloc 1936-1954. ESTUDIOS PARAGUAYOS , 39(2), 37–92.



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